의료 분야에서 경력 시작
Are you ready to start your career in healthcare? Joining one of Jordan Valley Community Health Center’s Department of Labor registered apprenticeships is a great way to start. During your apprenticeship you’ll learn from an instructor with experience in the field and will have hands-on practice with patients in our clinics so you can apply what you’ve learned in the real world. When you complete your apprenticeship program you’ll have the certification you need to move into a full-time role at Jordan Valley, and after fulfilling your two-year commitment, you’ll be debt free!
Jordan Valley의 견습생
Accelerated Programs
Full-time Pay & Benefits as Apprentice
대학원 부채 없음
No Preadmission Requirements
사용 가능한 프로그램

치과 조수 견습
Dental Assistants are a key part of providing our patients with high-quality care. DAs work on a small team in a fast-paced environment. Under the supervision of a dental provider, DAs are responsible for helping patients feel comfortable during their visit, getting vital signs and medical history for all patients, and performing preventative services (exams, x-rays, cleanings, scaling, flossing, and polishing), setting up and passing instruments, and disinfecting and preparing the room for the next patient.

치과 조수 견습
Dental Assistants are a key part of providing our patients with high-quality care. DAs work on a small team in a fast-paced environment. Under the supervision of a dental provider, DAs are responsible for helping patients feel comfortable during their visit, getting vital signs and medical history for all patients, and performing preventative services (exams, x-rays, cleanings, scaling, flossing, and polishing), setting up and passing instruments, and disinfecting and preparing the room for the next patient.

의료 보조 견습생
Medical Assistants play an essential role in providing our patients with high-quality care. MAs work on a small team in a fast-paced and changing environment. Under the supervision of a medical provider, MAs are responsible for helping patients feel comfortable during their visit, getting vital signs and medical history for all patients, giving injections/vaccinations, phlebotomy (drawing blood), instructing patients on proper specimen collection, and disinfecting and preparing the room for the next patient.
18-20 weeks, working 7:30 am – 5pm Monday – Thursday
January, May and September
$0 owed upon successful completion of program and fulfillment of 2 year work commitment at Jordan Valley
- Applicants must be 18 years old at the start of the program.
- No previous coursework or healthcare experience necessary. We are looking for folks who demonstrate a commitment to learn and a passion for serving the underserved.
Missouri Dental Assisting Skills (MDAS)
Nitrous Oxide Analgesia Certification
We begin accepting applications for each start date approximately 2 months before the start date. For example, in October we will begin accepting applications for a December start date.
You can apply for an apprenticeship position through the “Careers” tab and selecting “Available Jobs” on the Jordan Valley website 그리고 through Indeed.com.
18-20 weeks, working 7:30am – 5pm Monday – Thursday
April, August, and December
$0 owed upon successful completion of program and fulfillment of 2 year work commitment at Jordan Valley
- Applicants must be 18 years old at the start of the program.
- HS diploma or equivalent
- No preadmission coursework or prior healthcare experience required
We begin accepting applications for each start date approximately 2 months before the start date. For example, in October we will begin accepting applications for a December start date.
You can apply for an apprenticeship position through the “Careers” tab and selecting “Available Jobs” on the Jordan Valley website 그리고 through Indeed.com.
Our Facility
참가자 경험
2020년 봄학기
2020년 봄학기
2020년 봄학기
직원 복리후생
모든 견습 참가자는 정규 직원으로 간주되며 우리가 제공하는 혜택을 받을 자격이 있습니다.
주당 평균 36시간 일하는 사람들을 위해 건강, 치과, 안과 및 생명을 포함한 보험 옵션을 제공합니다.
공휴일 및 유급 휴가
휴가는 중요합니다. 당신은 유급 휴가와 9번의 유급 휴가를 갖게 될 것입니다.
미래를 위해 저축을 시작하십시오. 1년 1,000시간 근무 후 5%와 일치하는 세전 및 Roth 403(b) 플랜에 등록할 수 있습니다.
직원 지원 프로그램(EAP)
EAP는 귀하와 귀하의 가족이 직면한 모든 문제에 대한 자원과 정보를 찾는 데 도움이 됩니다. EAP를 통해 하루 24시간, 주 7일 면허가 있는 임상의에게 연락하십시오.